譯習:即食麵pancake(泰譯華、粵) Translation exercise: Instant noodle pancake (TH -> EN)

Eric 'Spanner'
4 min readMar 22, 2020


(English at the bottom)

泰國的《a day magazine》是月刊,今年創刊20週年。按期數推算,該在2000年9月創刊。其格式有點像以前的《Colors》,每期都有一個主題,不過《a day》較集中講與主題有關的本國事物,並不如《Colors》般來個世界萬象。

主題有趣,也好收藏,但之後未必時常翻閱,不然也沒有Nawapol新片《ฮาวทูทิ้ง》裡邊,要丟棄若干本舊《a day》的小段落了。而Nawapol本人,這月初躬親擺攤賣個人舊物時,也有一批《a day》!沒錯,我見過,我真的見過!(還跟他自拍一幀,另補)

今月是2020年三月,本月《a day》的主題是即食麵。我買來邊讀邊學,學字也學麵。也試翻一兩篇文。今次試譯一二百字,一張A4紙可以載盡的短文。

網上版見https://adaymagazine.com/instant-noodle-menu/ 。但跟雜誌版不盡相同。

a day 第235期,2020/03,頁136–139

Nannicha Sriwut(27歲)
Graphic Designer(圖像設計師)

แพนเค้กบะหมี่กึ่งฯ รสช็อกโกแลต
นันท์ณิชา ศรีวุฒิ (27 ปี)




第四至七段原文 The original 4th to 7th paragraphs
參考成品相片 the sample photo of the completed dish





Nannicha’s Secret Recipe


「我讀大學嗰陣呢就已經鍾意即食麵喇;鍾意到even食shau shabu嗰陣,都會放即食麵落去。當邊隻字號出新味道,我就好想去食。如果問最鍾意邊隻味呢,我鍾意日清呢隻字號,或者任何一隻字號嘅辣味。







Nannicha’s Secret Recipe

1 原文有部份字眼是英文泰拼,我會以說話人的身份猜度可以如何譯,也就是說,一個27歲都市女子會如何說。而譯文也可能會找回泰拼的原字,如「字號」、「pancake」之類。
2 班戟具體做法也會參考成品照片。

There are some magazines with the same name of a day. The one in Thailand is a monthly, should first issued in September 2000, and now they are celebrating their 20th anniversary. This a day has a main theme for each issue, and mostly concentrating the related matters in Thailand. It is unlike Colors, which brings you the monthly topic all over the world.

The main themes are interesting in general, and paper copies are easy to keep. However, you may not read them frequently after, which brings a shot in Happy Old Year (2019), which Jean decides to throw away some old a days. The director of this film, Nawapol, also sold some of his old a days in a flea market this 8 March. Yes, I saw that and I selfie with him then.

The current issue (March 2020) has a main topic of instant noodles. I bought it to learn both Thai and instant noodles. This translation is on a short article within an A4 page.

A web version can be found at https://adaymagazine.com/instant-noodle-menu/ while the text somehow differs from the paper copy.

from a day issue 235, March 2020, pages 136 to 139

Chocolate flavour instant noodle pancake
Nannicha Sriwut (27 yo)
Graphic Designer (directly translated from English to Thai)
แพนเค้กบะหมี่กึ่งฯ รสช็อกโกแลต
นันท์ณิชา ศรีวุฒิ (27 ปี)

“I have become a lover of instant noodles since the time I was studying at university. I liked to have it so much, even when I had shabu-shabu, I would add instant noodles to the pot. When any brand releases a new flavour, I am eager to try it. If ask me which flavour is my most favourite, I would say Nissin, or any brand’s spicy flavour.

“I have had instant noodles as a main dish, until a male friend told me that he had cooked Mama and had it with chocolate sauce. Then I thought, oh, can have it like that.

“As a person who loves cooking, times I have taken stuff remaining in my fridge, which probably not often be cooked together, to cook them together. I have popped up with the idea of my friend, then I tried to do it myself and see what would be, but I did not want my menu to be done in his way. I then took instant noodles and modified it into a menu of pancake which could be eaten with ice cream. I wanted to see that when it becomes a dessert, how it would be looked like.

“I cook instant noodles with chocolate milk, simply boil it, by taking any brand of instant noodles but do not add condiments. When the noodles are well cooked, chocolate milk will start to penetrate into the noodles. After that, I will take the noodles to simmer and fry with unsalted butter. When the noodles are done, I sprinkle icing sugar on it, add whipped cream. a scoop of chocolate ice cream and strawberries and serve the dish on a dish.

“Indeed, this menu is not different from the normal pancake, except at the moment I think of its texture, it is clearly instant noodle. When I had it the first time, I was thinking of something like ‘is it safe or not’. But after I had it, my stomach did not get sick.

“Previously I did this menu myself only twice, Though I had it not as frequent as had it as a main dish, this menu has opened a world to me, which I can see that instant noodle is more than a midnight meal, or something you would have at the end of the month, when you have less money.

“To me, instant noodle is an ingredient, is not different from other ingredients in my kitchen which I can experiment with and make cutie menu.”

1 Like many languages, Thai has words directly translated from the sound of the original words. I tried to put the original in my English version, like “lover”, “menu”, “texture”, and “pancake”.
2 I also referred to the photo of the completed pancake when I translate the recipe.

字詞 vocabularies
เลิฟเวอร์ lerf0-wer2 愛人 lover
มหาวิทยาลัย ma3-haa4-wi3-thi3-yaa1-lay1 大學 university
ลอง loong0 嘗試 try
ไอเดีย ai0-dia0 主意 idea
แพนเค้ก paen0-khek2 班戟 pancake
ยกเว้น yok3-ween2 除了 except
บะหมี่กึ่งสำเร็จรูป ba1-mee1-gueng1-sam4-ret3-ruup2 即食麵,「半煮成的麵」 instant noodle, noodle that half cooked
ปกติ po0-ga0-ti0 平常 normally
ตอนดึก toon0-duek1 深夜 midnight
สิ้นเดือน sin2-duean0 月末 end of month

#曼谷深處人家 #曼谷獨活 #曼谷毒活 #泰文 #學泰文 #泰譯中 #泰中翻譯 #翻譯練習 #即食麵 #創意料理 #甜食 #bangkokexpatlife #adaymagazine #instantnoodle #pancake #dessert#learningthai #thailanguage #TH2CN #thaichinesetranslation #TH2EN
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Eric 'Spanner'
Eric 'Spanner'

Written by Eric 'Spanner'

A man living with some fluffies. Travel. Movie. Reading. Some working-out. History. Soft-toys. Translation. Most contents are in traditional Chinese.

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